Thursday, September 6, 2012

What do you see in your mirror?

Mirror Mirror on the wall,
Who’s the fairest of them all?
The mirror said : You my lady!

Hmm… Why did the mirror say that? How could it assess people like that?  A mirror simply reflects anyone who stands in front of it. But this is a magic mirror. It compares everyone in the world and finds out who’s the best one. The one who stands out. I’m just applying logic. It’s simply not possible. Something’s wrong. And besides, this stupid fairytale must be where it all started.  You don’t get what I’m saying do you? Read on, you will eventually get there.
No two people are alike, ever if you consider mirror twins ( One’s left handed and the other right handed). Quite certainly there are over countless features related to human nature. And every person may have let’s say around 10% of the total features. That 10% definitely involves 5% good and 5%bad ( Everything in the universe is balanced ). Each 10% is composed of a permutation and combination of the features. So no two people have the same 10%. Are you with me so far?
Now we have established that there are no alike people in the world. Similar maybe.. But not the same. Now.. This means that each person is unique. And when a person is unique, there’s noone to be compared with. And thus, we cannot say who is better. But the mirror chooses… Why?
From the stone age till this date, man has always copied. He has evolved scientifically by copying nature. Whatever was natural, he made it artificially and he was a better man who was able to live a comfortable life. This is the aim of the human race : Comfortable life. Science can be developed by copying nature. But can the same be applied to way of life?
Each individual, is unique. A nature of his own to flaunt, to perfect, to express, and thus to live by. But over the ages, the humans are more interested in the neighbour, who wears nice clothes, who has an Australian accent, who walks like a super model, and talks like a TV anchor. Everybody wants to be like another person, and as the chain grows, Everybody turn into another person. Clones come into existence.  There’s an army of people who are alike. And now it is easy to pick who’s the fairest of them all… The one who ‘acts’ normal the best, is the fairest. The individual self is lost behind the smoke screens and walls one builds around the inner self.
Someone once said, “The flutter of the wings of a butterfly in a part of the world can bring a hurricane on the other part.” Clones are generated this way. With a single role model for every person, and each person being connected to another in the world. there’s just a tornado that keeps going round and round and never stops until everything in its reach is destroyed. Nothing can survive a tornado…
There is no necessity to ‘ape’, for that’s a trait of the apes. We are human. We are more advanced. We are clever enough to understand that its the difference between two people is what makes them both beautiful. They may be opposites, they may complete each other. But that balance is required for a harmonious life. No. This is not about soulmates. This is to the entire world population.  If one lives life, in his true self, he will bring a radical change in his environment. Colours of a rainbow compliment each other and make a beautiful sight. That’s how everything in nature works. Everything is unique and one ought to let it be unique and not tamper with it.
Mirror reflects your mind. Do not compare yourself to someone out there. They are nothing like you. Remember YOU ARE UNIQUE.
Close your eyes. See yourself for who you are. Tell yourself you are beautiful just the way you are. And you will find that you truly are one of a kind. That feeling will keep the smile on your face beaming longer and brighter until your last breath. You are you for a reason. Break through the shackles that forve you to be someone else. Kill that thought in your mind. And just be yourself.
Stand before your mirror now and say:
Mirror Mirror on the wall
Who’s the fairest of them all?
The mirror stays silent,
You can see yourself.
©Copyright Shruti Suresh

A Voice

So I am, that being, 
May be liked, may be loved,
Mostly despised,
My actions, my words,
My responsibilities, True.
Impact on you, Effect please may I?
Not my Bad, No thank you.
Who I like, You or he,
Among quite a few,
May be just one or two,
My choice, My will,
Not yours to take,
Not yours to make.
The world in my eyes,
Different from what you see,
I neither accept nor deny,
How you breathe.
I allow myself,
Within reason to doubt,
Hear you out, Contemplate,
Change my view.
Happens rarely,
So don’t you flaunt,
Arrogance spouting,
You will only fall down.
I may be too vain,
Haughty if you may,
So I am, that being,
Like or Love me if you might,
Despise me? I do not care.

Puppy Love

I met a guy. It was love at first sight. He was really handsome. I looked into his eyes and I knew that he was the one I had been waiting for all my life. He was so full of life that he just made me smile everytime we were together. He was the perfect guy from my fairytale. He never held grudges. He never had an ego. And everytime we had a disagreement, irrespective of whether the fault was his or mine he'd come bouncing back to make up for it as if everything was alright. His love was unconditional. He was nice to my girl friends, but wasn't that nice to my guy friends. In fact he'd scare them away. He was selfless, sweet, warm and just seemed so perfect. There was one problem though. When someone is so trusting they tend to be naive and ignorant. Well that was his problem.

 Meanwhile I met another guy. He was different. Yes, he was really handsome too. He was loving, sweet and trusting too. He made smile too. He was so smart. That I found attractive while compared to Guy No.1. However, this guy had an ego the size of a ball park. He'd get so angry if we had a disagreement that he'd never talk unless I took the first step. He didn't have a problem with any of my friends. In fact he didn't have a problem with Guy No.1 either. What drove him mad was when he tried to talk to me, Guy No.1 with his full burst of energy would charm me away. By the time I turned my attention back, he'd have turned away, and he wouldn't come back.

Well, there are both stereotypes. One perfectly sweet and sensitive but dumb. The other smart yet egotistic. Can't have both in the same guy can we? For the world would be too perfect then. But I thought, why can't I have both these guys? Oh! Did I leave the part out where they are brothers? Makes things even more complicated doesn't it?

 But I realised I love them both. To make matters worse, my best friend loves them too. And she gets to have them both! Its the 21st century. If she gets to be with them all the time, I can go visit them when I want to and get to have fun with them atleast for a while. And that is what I do now.

 No no it's not complicated at all. Meet Guy no.1, Pepper and his brother Poirot. They are perfect just the way they are. And I absolutely love they as if they were my own!

Pay it Forward

There was a lecture held recently at a small convention on social service in Bangalore city. The speaker said, "Seva is just not about helping the needy. It is about the ones who receive help, help others like themselves in turn. And thus, Seva should be continuous". A simple thought, and yet it makes a great impact. Catherine Ryan Hyde's book, Pay it Forward, tells a story that follows the same principle. There are three stages in our life - Infant, Youth, Elder. At Infant and Elder stages (when one is a child, and when one is old), we always receive from the society. Youth is the stage or the time, when we are able to give to the society. Fame and affluence are materials that come at the cost of hard work as well as the wealth of the other lower classes of the society. It is not the wealth that one has to give away, for that would be unfair. One thing we all have in common is the twenty four hours of time. Some part of that time could be used to engage in Seva. One may be cynical about the concept of social service. But using the concept of pay it forward, it can do wonders in transforming a society. Consider a sample society like Bangalore. At almost every traffic signal, one find beggars - elders, women and children alike. At every garbage dumping site, we can find a few rag pickers. There are people who sleep on the pavements. If one takes some time off their schedule, and helps just one person out of the lot, by finding a home for destitute, or an orphanage perhaps, it would make a great deal of an impact on the entire society. The spread of word by the same class of people takes these people off the streets and helps them live in a more civilized environment where they are educated, learn to work, and find a purpose to life. A chain of people helping each other, growing in geometric progression is what might be that miracle we have all been waiting for, to raise the standard of living, of not just our city, nor our state, neither our country, but the world as a whole. Indian culture believes in every human being family.
अयं निज: परो वेति गणना लघुचेतसाम्। उदारमनसानां तु वसुधैव कुटुंबकम्॥
(The thinking that this is mine, or someone else's is that of a narrow minded Person, For a Broad Minded Person, the world is family.) You may feel inhibitions to help the ones on the streets, but those are not the only ways of Seva. One can volunteer in government schools to teach the children spoken English, or Computers. One can volunteer at Hospitals to help the underprivileged find their way around the formalities. There are homes for disabled children, where one can try to bring a smile on a child's face. Where there is a will, there is a way. We have been a developing country for so long. It is time for us to transform our nation first, and then the world itself. The fight for power has drowned the cries of hunger, thirst and desperation. We are stronger for we understand compassion. We understand the meaning of humanity, and we will not let carnal rage of power take over our instincts to protect our own people. When you follow Seva, whether you are giver or the receiver, remember to 'Pay it Forward'. If you do not know where to begin please visit
वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम।
(The whole world is one single family)