Sunday, May 16, 2010

So yesterday!

Yeah I know that my post title is Hilary Duff's song title. That's where I got my inspiration. Yeah her song was on the lines of love, but it applies to every bit of life, I gathered.

Lot of things happen in life, and I don't know why people make a big deal of everything. You get low marks on a paper? You lost your boyfriend? You embarrassed yourself in public? You discovered that someone hates you? Big deal. These are trivial things. Nothing can equal the happiness you experience when you feel you are enjoying life. That's all life is for. Just to have fun as you pass everyday.

Brush it off, walk with your head held high. Never let anything spoil your moment of happiness for you, which should probably last a lifetime. Problems come in your life, it'll probably drain you of all your energy. But you know all that worrying is not really worth it.

My friend Kris once told me "What's the point in worrying if you can find a solution anyway, and why worry if  you are not gonna find the solution at all?" That kinda made sense you know? Its true that worrying is an unnecessary intermediate. Its kind of an inhibitor in your chemical reaction. Without an inhibitor, the reaction will proceed smoothly giving you maximum desired product. Coming to the undesired product, throw it in the bin. or recycle it. Don't keep it and crib about it and turn it into an inhibitor for the next reaction.

People hardly ever realize this fact, but sometimes when you have a fight and you worry about it, you fail to acknowledge that the other person would probably be playing foosball with some friends. What I'm trying to say is, maybe the other person doesn't give a (pardon me for using this word!) crap for what you feel. So why should you, waste all your precious time and energy on worrying while you have so many other things to do like Move on!!

Yea come on, open those windows in your stuffy little room. "Feel the rain on your skin, no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in" (Natasha bedingfield - Unwritten). Mistakes happen, its a part of life. You can't run away from it. But you can always learn from it. You know once I made a big fool of myself in front of 200 odd people on stage. I was so embarrassed that day. Even now sometimes the nightmare haunts me. But then I realized that it was so way back in the past, probably no one will remember it. There are somethings that you just have to let go.

Everyday is a new chapter in your book and it can make all the difference while you are reading it. it may be sad first few pages but the rest of the book could leave you very happy and the ending will be happy anyways. Everybody has a happy ending. Believe in it. Its true. You'll find your place in the world someday. You just need to have some patience. And all the bad things that happen, just let go of it. Cleanse yourself off all the negativity. Forget all the bitter things.

So, Chill people, Throw all the garbage away where it belongs, and move on, that's how you get to enjoy and totally live your life. Try it and see, Life will turn out to be a never ending never boring PARTY!!! :)

If its over, let it go and,
Come tomorrow it will seem,
So yesterday, So yesterday,
Haven't you heard, I'm gonna be ok! :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

And we all fall down!

Lately I have been meeting the kind of people who say "I don't need anyone". The more I listen to them saying that, the more I feel someday they are gonna scream out loud for help. Everybody needs somebody! That's like a natural law. Why else would a human be called a social animal?? Why do social institutions exist? If you miss a bus, you'll need a cab. If you scrape your knee, you'll need a nurse. If you fall sick, you need someone to take care of you. Again, I say everybody needs somebody. 

However, there are certain people whose ego is as big as their fat head. All they care about is themselves. Narcissists. Who can love themselves more than a couple can love each other. Now these are the people who are focused on their ambition so much that they trample on all the those who love them, as they run towards their dreams. I'm not saying dreams are bad or aiming for dreams is bad. I'm saying disregarding everyone you have just so that you can be happy when you get what you want is bad. That won't be true happiness for there won't be anyone for you to share it with. If one tops an exam they'd want to tell someone else "I did it!!" Unfortunately for the ego maniacs I'm talking about, nobody will be around to share joy with. 

Its not just a question of joy. Suppose in your pursuit of dreams, you fail, you fall, you need someone to catch you. Otherwise you hit the ground and crack your skull. Wow, that would drain some of their brain which might prove useful! Not to be sadistic, but seriously if that happens then it would be awesome and awful at the same time. In times of misery, you'd want someone to sit next to you hold your hand and say "Its okay! I'm here. Its gonna be alright." Those magical words give you mental strength to face the problem you have and to solve it. Instead if someone says "Get over it! Everyone has problems. Just search for a solution and move ahead!", you'll feel two things - One. You'll drown deeper into misery. And two, you'd wanna punch the person for saying this. Honestly, when someone is in need of a person to hold them together, if you can't do it stay away. Yes one always has to do what is right. But the right thing is certainly not pushing a person off the cliff while they are hanging at the end of it. The right thing is to just be there for someone in need.

Time of need is time of need. Dude! Its now or never! If you can be nice, be there, if you can't then stay away. Just don't make it worse.

Anyway, coming back to the extraordinary people I was talking about, their total disregard of other people's feelings will sure win them their dream. But then when they receive their trophy and turn towards the crowd to give their speech of gratitude (which probably would be "I am the sole cause for my victory"), the crowd will not be there. There won't be applause. There won't be camera flashes. There won't be a background score. 

That's when the song plays in your mind:

Ring a ring o' Roses,
A Pocket full of Posies,
A-tishoo, A-tishoo
And we all fall down!

No matter what, bad times or good times, there'll come a day when you need someone. We always need someone to help us up. As said before, we are social animals, And we all fall down!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy Place

Eyes closed. Delving deep into thoughts. Thoughts that I haven't considered for ages. All that I had kept locked up in me all these years.
 I find myself in an open field of grass.
Its night.
The stars are twinkling above me. I see my favorite constellation above me. Orion.
I see the moon. Its full.
I hear the rush of water.
I realize I'm standing on the banks of a river. The water is rushing towards a waterfall.
I can feel the cool wind on my skin. I can hear nothing but the river. It feels nice.
Oh.. Its drizzling. I am not running to find shelter. Instead I'm enjoying the feel of raindrops.
I'm crying.
Nobody can see me. N even if they did, they won't know. Its raining.
I didn't know my purpose so far in life. I don't know where I'm going. I don't know which road to take. I'm confused. I don't know if I'm happy or not. If I'm happy, why am I crying? If I'm sad, why don't I feel pain? I sit close to the water. And just stay quiet.
I am thinking of the beautiful moments in life.
The night's fading. But its still raining.
It daylight. It stopped raining.
Birds are chirping, Flowers are blooming, Rabbits are scuttling.
I see my friends. I see my family. I can feel their love.
Again its raining. I still don't know my purpose. I still don't know which road to take.
But I know I will take chances. I have support from those I love. They'll take care of me.
I'm Dancing in the raining. I'm smiling.
I'm in my happy place.
The Only place where everything doesn't seem simply complicated.

A twist...

Hello Bloggers...

Here's a twist... Poetry girl has begun to blog properly... finally... To tell the truth, Poetry kinda helps me express myself.. But lately there has been so much going on that I can't think of riddles to express anything... I started this blog to put in all those things I learnt on the path to Discovering reality... I know I haven't blogged in a long time... Well I'm back...

Its exam time now.. So you all know that its a time of too much pressure.. Well I'm cool.. I'm Handling it... Or not!!!! Its like life is running on a fast forward n slow motion at the same time... And that's just creepy... Just when I think I have a lot of time, I have ten seconds left. Just when I think I have very less time, I seem to be left with ten hours... Its all so confusing...

To those people out there who are facing the same prob that I am, Don't worry... the feeling will pass... It is possible to relax and study even a minute before your exams.. The trick is to close your eyes.. clear your head.. take a few deep breaths... You'll be able to remember better... :)

SO.. that's it for now.. See you soon..